
Membership Application

Prospective members can contact membership chairman see a member club in your area.



4 Responses to Contact

  1. Jacqui Nye says:

    I met Judy Gray at the RI Dahlia flower show in September. I did not get her contact information. I’m the new District Director for the American Rose Society Yankee District. I live in RI and want to reinvigorate our relationship with the Federated Garden club. Would you please get me in contact with Judy?

  2. Jacqui Nye says:

    I’m the Yankee District Director for the American Rose Society. We are looking for an instructor to teach us Modern Floral Design. I’m hoping that you would connect me with someone in your club. The event will be at White’s of Westport at the end of March 2025. Please get back to me soon. Thank you

    • Kathleen says:

      Hi Jacqui,

      Sorry I did not see this sooner. I will pass it on to our president. March is a tough time as we are getting ready for our state flower show at the convention center. I encourage you to attend that event as there will be plenty of RIFGC people who can help you going forward and that way you will have a contact name.
      Warm regards,

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